Saturday, May 13, 2006

How to Care for Your Diamond Ring

Congratulations! You’re getting married and now have a lot of planning ahead of you. However don’t forget to take care of the one thing that started all of this. Not your fiancée, your diamond ring! Your diamond ring is a timeless piece of beauty that needs special care.

It is important to always remember that everything you touch during the day can affect your diamond. Hand soap, hair gel, dishwashing liquid and lotions are among the worst offenders. They leave a film on your ring that can build up over time if not properly cleaned. Always make sure your ring sparkles as bright as you do by following these four rules:

1. Soak your diamond ring in a solution of warm water and a mild liquid detergent.

2. Use a soft brush, after the ring has soaked, to remove dirt. Be very careful in your choice of a brush, as anything with stiff brushes can scratch the metal setting. It is better to scrub your diamond in the solution than to lift it up and scrub it out of water.

3. Rinse the ring thoroughly in warm water. If necessary, to dry, place in a small strainer or sieve.

4. Dry the ring with a lint free cloth.

While these are necessary steps to ensuring long lasting luster in your ring, there are other important rules to remember. Always remove your ring when doing housework, yard work, or in any other situations where you will be in contact with cleansers and chemicals. Never wear your ring during contact sports, or any other vigorous activity. Remember, it may look great on your hand at the gym, but even free weights held gently can scratch the metal.

Also remember to have your ring appraised and insured because of its value! With this as your guide, you can ensure a brilliant future for your ring.

Afshin Yaghtin graduated as an English major at UCLA and furthered his education at the University of Wales in Aberystwyth with a M.A. in postmodern American literature before starting his own business at Wedding-Band-Ring.Com. He lives in California with his wife and 3 adorable, rambunctious kids

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