Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tips For Choosing Diamonds

Tips For Choosing Diamonds by Ken Snodin

Facts on Diamonds
It was more than 2800 years ago that the first diamonds were mined in India. In actuality, diamonds are much older than one would think. Most diamonds we find today are at least 900 million years old. Experts believe that the oldest known diamond is around 3.2 billion years old. Each mined diamond is completely unique. To the trained eye, one can find that there are no two diamonds that are precisely the same.

When learning how to purchase a diamond, there are many things to consider. Until you know more and have done your research, you should never rush into buying a diamond. It's especially important to learn how diamonds are priced.

The "4 C's"
You will have many factors to consider when buying a diamond. Throughout the world, there is an established method that jewelers use as a way of describing the value of a diamond. The method is known as the "4 C's". If you are interested in understanding how to buy a diamond, it would help to know exactly what the 4 C's are and how each aspect of the diamond contributes to its value.

The 4 C's represent Cut, Clarity, Carats and Color
Buying a Diamond based on Cut: The cut of a diamond is a description of how the diamond maker angles the gemstone in such a way as to best reflect light through the diamond, resulting in the diamond's sparkle. A high quality cut enhances the innate beauty of a diamond and increases its value. A poorly cut diamond isn't as brilliant or shiny and, therefore, will be less valuable.

How to Buy a Diamond based on Clarity: The clarity of a diamond involves looking at how clear the diamond is when you look through it. Most diamonds have inclusions and flaws and it is rare to find a perfect diamond. Flaws, however, cannot usually be seen without magnification. When purchasing a diamond for clarity, look for the presence of dark spots inside the diamond.

How to Buy a Diamond based on Carats: Carat defines the size of the diamond. Larger diamonds (those of a higher carat) will cost more than a cluster of smaller diamonds, even if the total carats of the diamond cluster are the same. This means that a single one-carat diamond will cost you more than three diamonds set in a ring that add up to one carat. The reason behind this is that larger diamonds are rarer than smaller diamonds. Unfortunately, this is impacted by the fact that, when diamonds are cut, they lose about half their size.

How to Buy a Diamond based on Color: The color of diamond you choose is entirely based upon your personal preference. Diamonds that are colorless, however, are the rarest and therefore cost more than other diamonds. Colorless diamonds are known as white diamonds. Diamonds also come in a variety of different hues, including yellow, green, blue and pink. There are even diamonds known as "black diamonds".

Certificates and Appraisals
While understanding the 4 C's in determining how to buy a diamond, you should also learn how to read diamond certificates. These certificates describe in detail the facts about the diamond in its unmounted state. Perhaps you have a specific diamond you want to have professionally appraised by an independent organization. This is probably not best done by the jeweler you are buying the diamond from because they are often biased and may appraise the diamond at a slightly higher value than what it's actually worth in order to receive more income from the sale of the diamond.

About the Author
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